Quad City Sailing School

Quad City Sailing School

        Sailing for all in Eastern Iowa and Western Illinois

Tiller Time 2023

The Tiller Time Program is intended specifically for LDSC Associate Members who want to sail throughout the summer but are not yet ready to buy a sailboat. The Tiller Time program removes the stress of boat ownership and makes the joy of sailing in the Quad Cities a reality for everyone. Members will be able to use the sailing school sailboats during open sailing hours. The goal will be to give new sailors enough time, encouragement, and individual assistance to build their skills and confidence to safely begin sailing on their own. 

How much does it cost?

  • Associate Membership - $75
  • Tiller Time - $200

What do you Get?

  • Use of the QCSS school boats for approximately 15 days of supervised mentored sailing experience
  • Opportunities to crew for club racing on Wednesdays and Sunday series races


The Tiller Time season begins June 7rd and ends Sept 20th. 

Open sailing hours are: Saturday- 10AM – 3PM

Club Races are

  • Wednesday 5:30pm - 7:30pm
  • Sunday 12:00pm - 5:00pm
  • The number of open sailing days is always dependent on wind and river conditions. In the event too many weekend conditions are not suitable for sailing every attempt will be made to substitute weekday evenings.

Associate + Tiller Time - $275.00 (USD) Subscription period: 1 year, on: May 1st No automatically recurring payments

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